If you are familiar with the popular TV series House MD the one that recently concluded, then you must also be familiar with the line “Everybody Lies”. In fact, the storyline of the whole series centers on that particular notion that indeed, no human being is void from the powerful grip of lying. True enough, anyone here who will say that he or she have never experienced to lie before even just once is a hypocrite.

                It requires a special kind of skill in order to have one effective lie. You have to weave an intricate web of details and information, making it seem as real as possible. The more details you supply, the better to luring the person into so deep a hole that there is no way to figure out or differentiate the truth from the lie. Lying can be caused by a plethora of reasons and not necessarily lying for the sake of lying. If you resort to lying, whatever form it is, be sure that you have a good reason to do it, because this can hurt especially to people to whom the lying is for. Here are some of the reasons why people can’t seem to avoid lying.


                Whether it is a concerned friend, a loving wife and mother, or a caring father they will be forced to lie to protect someone so dear to them. The lie becomes like the protective case you provide your gadget to safeguard it from outside forces that have the potential to harm it. This kind of lying can be considered to the category called white lies. They are called such because the main reason why a lie was executed was for the majority’s gain. Most often than not, we are confronted with instances where the only way out is to lie about something. It might strike you with a pang of guilt afterwards, but the important thing is that your motive for the lie is pure, you don’t mean to hurt anybody, it is just a matter of unfortunate occurrences.

Escape Punishment

                When I was still in college, we were given this once in a blue moon chance of visiting a prison. Our main task is to talk to the inmates and write a paper about our encounter afterwards. Before going inside the prison cells, the authorities warned us that these people will definitely lie. If you are one of the main suspects in even such a simple crime like robbing a smartphone shop, as a human being your initial reaction will be to deny the crime in order to escape punishment. Man’s sense of self preservation will kick in for such dire times.


                Another good reason why people lie is because probably they don’t really know the truth. Some are just victims of the lie itself. Like for example a person was told a lie, without him knowing about it ergo he believes that lie and pass it on to another person. Unintentionally, he participated in a series of lies making it more complex.

                Can we ever stop people from lying? Never. What you should do is to have a critical mind in filtering the information going in and out of your attention.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

