Judging from what I see in the trend of technology nowadays, I can say that we have managed to push the boundaries and achieve greater heights when it comes to technological advancements. A new invention comes to view in every blink of an eye. You will not even know which latest gadget to check out because each and every one of them promises to possess larger-than-life features and specs that could blow anyone’s mind. The future may seem as uncertain as it may be, but only one thing is for sure, technology will continue to develop and will go to greater distance more than we can imagine.

                I’m not Nostradamus or something, but here is my fearless forecast on how technology will evolve in a couple of years from now.


                Compared to the cheap mobile phones in the market, smartphones will definitely skyrocket when it comes to sales. Top smartphone manufacturers will battle neck to neck on which company will prove to be the best. Apple, Samsung, Sony, and HTC will come up with smartphones that are not just smart; they will be geniuses. They will not just be phones, but super phones. Their capability to send text messages and to make calls will just be extra features. Smartphones will be like your wallet to store your money, they can also be the key to your apartment or your car, they can also be your virtual assistant, and many more.


                I think you are aware that the sales in tablets have considerably raised; this means that people patronized this device too much that it paved the way to the decline of desktop computers in the market. In fact, if your friends found a desktop computer at home, they will surely make fun of you as if you did something embarrassing. True enough, tablets will continue to surge, but that doesn’t mean that desktop computers will completely leave the scene. They will linger, but they will not have the limelight anymore. As for the tablets, they will be like prime necessities to man, same as Ebooks and Ebook accessories to book worms.


                The Internet will continue to be the most popular culture; it can build a new religion. The internet will be ubiquitous; it will be available in all parts of the world, maybe even in the savannahs of Africa to the ice caps in North Pole. And the best part is, the internet will be in lightning speed. There will be no lags, no waiting time, and no hassle, so you can always indulge in all your technological or not-so-technological whims whenever you wish to.

                What we should do now is sit back, relax, and watch how technology will woo us in the future!

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We have this impression that technology is all positive. It encompasses all other tools in the world that is known to man. Well, at least that is what we want believe, but like any other man-made culture in this world, technology is a double-edged sword. It has both positive and negative effects depending on how you handle them.

                As for me, technology can be a great distraction against your actual paying job. I have seen people be more inclined in checking Facebook and Twitter notifications instead of work-related emails from their bosses. So, in order to straighten things up, and have your working process in tune with your priorities, I suggest that you develop the following tech habits.

1.       Reduce distractions

Keep in mind that when you have to accomplish tasks for your work, the last thing that you want open is your Facebook account. Because I’ll bet all my cards that once your smartphone beeps for a notification, you will check it out. And so, everytime it beeps for a notification, you will stop what you are doing and have a look. This will delay your work, you will be distracted, and you will lose your mojo; thus, it will take you longer before you finish your tasks. I say that once you know that you are going to work on something, turn off your notifications on your social networking sites to reduce the distractions.

2.       Learn about your device as much as possible

Your latest and hottest device in all its glory equipped with kick-ass cell phone accessories will not really matter if you don’t really know how to use it. As many of us disregards this habit, but it will really help if you read the manual. Absorb all that you can from the material, and help your knowledge by asking people and friends who uses the same device for advices and suggestions.

3.       Regard technology as a tool, not a religion

I say that I got used to people incessantly debating and arguing which is better from the other, Android vs. Windows vs. iOS, Apple or Samsung, iPhone or Xperia, the list goes on and on. But the truth is, nothing is really better than the other; there is no competition or contest. It will all boil down to preference. And preferences are unique, some like this, some like that. Analyze which hardware and software suits you best, and that doesn’t mean that when the majority will tell you that iOs is better than Android that you will make it a point that you swap all your Android devices to iOS. Put on your smarts and decide for yourself.

4.       Always have a Plan B

No matter how great your hardware promises itself to be, it is not without flaws. You can never be sure when your processor will just crash permanently taking with it all your important documents down. You don’t have a guarantee that you can always find the perfect replacement part for your device. So it is always better that you are ready for unexpected things as such. Have multiple back up data stored in different locations so you will not lose any valuable data in case

Don’t be a slave of technology; be the master of it. Develop these habits and have a smooth sailing relationship with your gadgets and devices.

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Marriage is a covenant made by a man and a woman forming a partnership that lasts their whole lives. It is most certainly not the last stage in a relationship. In fact, a married couple can possibly end up separating if the conditions don’t  fit the two parties anymore, especially nowadays with the provisions of divorce. Being married to your partner doesn’t always mean that it will be the two of you until the end. It is not absolutely true according to its definition. Now, to ensure that your marriage will see it through a lifetime, practice the things listed below.

1.       Flirt with your partner. It’s true that every relationship has a cycle, and the stage of marriage isn’t the period where all the good stuff is already gone. Treat each other like when you just started with the name-calling, sassy talks, playful glances, and touches. Bring back the times when you first started dating.

2.       Kiss. Kissing is a way to express the sentiments of love, passion, affection, and respect. Express your emotions by kissing your spouse. The good thing about this gesture is that it is seldom misinterpreted. Surely, a person would not be kissing someone he/she doesn’t love, right?

3.       Send sweet messages. Keep the spark and excitement going on by sending your spouse frisky and somewhat naughty messages. Send him/her an email or a text using your smartphone about what you’re going to do to him/her tonight.

4.       See the good. Nobody’s perfect and most certainly everybody makes mistakes, and your spouse is nothing more than everyone else. Focusing on the negative side of your spouse will only give you bad vibes that could lead to disappointment. Make it a point each day to appreciate every little thing about your partner.

5.       Be affectionate. Everybody is unique in every way even on how we want to be loved. Know how your spouse wants to feel loved, and demonstrate it according to his/her love language.

6.       Fantasize about your spouse. The dating stage is frequently the most euphoric stage in a relationship where your fantasies about your partner are at their peak. Though you are already married, make him/her still the object of your fantasies so that you will always find that feeling of excitement when the two of you are with each other.

7.       Look back on the good times. There will always be rough times in every marriage—times that will make you consider leaving your spouse. Will you risk your marriage because of the times you felt unhappy? Why don’t you try reminiscing about the good times? Surely, after doing that, you will realize that it’s still worth being married to your spouse.

8.       Observe a healthy distance. This clearly gives justice to the saying “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” There will come a time when you will eventually get tired of your favorite mobile leather case although it is your most favorite colour and design. The same is true with your partner. The way to keep your relationship interesting through the years is to make way for the two of you to miss each other.

9.       Pray together. Putting God in the centre of your relationship will make your bond stronger more than you can imagine. Having a spiritual attachment together with your spouse enhances trust you have for each other.

10.   Love yourself. How can you expect someone else to love you when you don’t even love yourself? First, love yourself and love besides the one you give yourself will come your way. Loving yourself increases your self-worth. This in turn gives you a feeling of being free and open to give love to your spouse and receive love at the same time.

It’s true that falling in love is easy, but sustaining it is hard work. You must know what to do to make it work. Remember, love is a decision, not just a feeling.

I have lived enough to witness how people are constantly in search for the divine purpose of their lives. Some lucky individuals are blessed for theirs seem to be served in front of them in on a silver platter. Others spend the rest of their lives trying to figure it out, ; some unfortunate ones reach the finish line without ever finding their purpose in life.

But what good is finding the meaning of life? Can’t we just live life without the worries and cares of how and what we are living for? Can’t we just function the way we were created or born with without having to be burdened by some organized thought that sounded like a good explanation on why we inhale and exhale every single day?

I have tried to immerse myself in that proposition. On the one hand, I see people who are fully satisfied with what they have, latest mobile phones, luxury cars, prime condominiums and apartments, and lots and lots of cash. Or maybe I’m just mistaken, ; maybe their happiness is just superficial. Maybe they cry in their rooms when they are alone. Besides, all these material things are just temporary happiness, ; once a new gadget or a new car comes along, all of these will just be useless commodities. On the other hand, I also see people amidst their poverty are perfect visualizations of genuine joy. These people do away with simple clothing, small homes, cheap mobile accessories, and the like. Ergo, that thing that completes a human being is not the material things that he possesses, ; it’s something deeper, something nobler, and something that money can’t ever buy.

Upon exhausting in a quiet time and personal reflection, it hit me. We are constantly searching for a meaning because we don’t want our existence in this world to be empty, . because ifIf our existence don’t doesn’t have a meaning, then we are just a microscopic nonsense in the face of this minute planet in a galaxy that seems to be an eternity. We can just cease to exist at anytime and anywhere without having to worry if we fulfilled a certain purpose. We are just empty creatures, ; there is no heaven, there is no afterlife, there is no god, there is no creator, there is no ultimate happiness, and there is no nothing. Finding the meaning of your existence is filling up the emotional void that is left in us trying to find answers, trying to fill gaps, and trying to have a mental grasp of things that we don’t comprehend.

Now ask yourself, with or without knowing your life’s purpose, will it kill you? Will it help you? Will it make you a better person? We were born differently, ; thus, we also have different needs and desires. I say, if finding your life’s meaning will be of great help, then chase it no matter what.

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We are used to the idea that if there is someone who has the best chance to cheat in a relationship, it will definitely be the guy. Not just the statistics but also culture would prove that the male species are the ones more inclined to temptations. It may be for the reason that the men must have a reputation of being extremely dominant and virile.

In this age however, the tables have turned. Gender doesn’t speak anymore of whom is most likely to cheat in the relationship. Men and women alike are now exposed to the particular idea. Although for some, a female cheater still gives a great shock. In this time and generation, he cheats, she cheats. In order to have a better understanding to the male counterparts, here are some of the popular reasons why the people in skirts choose to cheat.

1.       When she feels it’s about to end

You know the thing that they call women instinct right? Women have this very keen sense of observation and feeling things. They rarely have it wrong, and when they feel it, they trust their gut about it. And when the ladies have this sudden feeling that the relationship has nowhere to go but to meet its end, then they will be out to search for something or someone to fill the void and to soften the blow. It’s how they build their line of defense against the threat of having their hearts broken. Just like a protective case for your gadgets, the women feel that they should have something to safeguard their most vulnerable part, the heart.

2.       Transition

Undergoing change can be very stressful and laborious at times. Transition can be very tricky and unstable for everyone especially the women. They are overwhelmed with the stir of emotions flooding in them, thus they become vulnerable to temptation and they end up cheating. To address the discomfort, they choose to detach themselves from their current situation, they act based on impulse and they find refuge from somebody else’s arms.

3.       Loneliness

There is two of you in the relationship but she often feels so alone. If there is a common denominator among girls is that they love attention. They want to feel appreciated all the time. They want to hear you say that they look good always, that what they are doing pleases you, they seek to have an emotional connection with you, and if they don’t get that satisfaction, they tend to go astray away from you. They will resort to someone else in filling in the gap. It doesn’t have to be always a big deal even just a simple text message in her smartphone saying that you are happy with her is enough. If you can’t reciprocate, be human enough to appreciate.

This is not to say that it is always the man’s fault why women cheat, many are the possible reasons why a woman would cheat, but it will always boil down to her personal judgement.

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I think the biggest misconception in the face of the earth is that when people link emotions to their heart, and their rationale to their brain. I’m not here to burst balloons, but for your information both our rational thinking and our emotions are all governed by the brain. There is a part inside your head that is also a part of your brain which is called the hypothalamus. This part of your brain is about the size of an almond. It is responsible for feelings such as thirst, hunger, and other attachment behaviors of man. Ergo, love is an emotion governed by the brain too.

                We may find love to be as elusive and complicated as we want it to be. We want it to have a deeper meaning; thus we choose to hide on the oblivion. You know how people open their gadgets like maybe their smartphone to better understand the process that is happening inside. This time we will try to unveil the brain’s process when you are falling in love.

                In human beings, attraction is usually triggered by all our sensory cues such as the visual, olfactory, and auditory cues. Among all these cues, the olfactory appeals to us the most though we are not very conscious about it. That is why the feeling of obsession is quite different when you are actually obsessing on a person rather when you are obsessing on things like cars, latest gadgets, or clothes. There are signals that the brain picks up called pheromones that are not noticed by our olfactory sense. It is here where attraction starts to kick in.

                Sweaty palms, racing pulse, giddiness, are these things familiar to you? Well these are the initial responses of the body when he is falling in love. If that is the case, then falling in love must be the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and phenylethylamine in the body. First stop, the dopamine. Dopamine is known as the chemical that lets man feel pleasure producing a feeling of bliss. Norepinephrine on the other hand is similar to adrenaline; it is the chemical that produces the feeling of excitement. These two chemicals hand in hand can bring forth the feeling of sleeplessness, elation, craving, loss of appetite and focused attention. The powers of the two chemicals will be complete in the addition of norepinephrine in the formula.

                It doesn’t stop there, in the search for answers; researchers found out that people who are in love have a lower level of serotonin. The same phenomenon is found in people who have obsessive compulsive disorders. This could also explain why people “obsess” with the object of their desire for a period of time.

                Knowing what happens inside your body can help you understand what and how you should react over it. Don’t be carried away by the feelings and sensations that used to remain a mystery in our consciousness. There is an underlying chemistry in the name of love.

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I always tell my friends this, “Don’t lose trust on the goodness of other people.” Everyone of us has this certain part inside that is naturally nice. Having said that, there is also and always will be that one person that no matter how much you think that there is goodness in him or her, for some reason, you get so annoyed and irritated with that person.

It seems that it’s not just your cell phone case that is made of plastic, you too. And that is not because you intend to be a fake friend or colleague to him or her, it’s just that you are just too kind to be rude. To help you deal with those kinds of people, here are some of the things that you could do to avoid starting fights.

1.       Act occupied

Show the person that you are busy or occupied with whatever you are doing. Like for example, after an exchange of smiles, hi and hellos, put on your massive mobile earphones and pretend like you are enjoying your music too much to have time to socialize and talk to people. This way, you buy some time not talking to the person without offending him or her in the process.

2.       Lie

Human beings are genetically engineered to lie. Sometimes, we just have to lie to save our asses from people like them. Just make sure that your lie is worth the lie; if the person really is that annoying, then your lying should be justified. At least you owe yourself to feel comfortable.

3.       Maintain distance

Your goal here is to stay away from potential fights as possible. If you keep a good distance away this person, then there will be no problem as long as your eyes don’t meet, and your elbows don’t bump. The secret to this is always to have a conscious eye of where he or she is. If you feel like he or she is heading in your direction, that’s the time when you have to run for your life, or just move away from his or her direction.

4.       Maintain your cool

There will be times when you will be forced to talk to this person no matter how much you avoid him or her. Be civil enough to entertain his or her questions as long as you can, be the person you really are, and be respectful and nice at all times. When the time comes that you just could not take it anymore, come up with a clever excuse to get out of that conversation as soon as you can.

Our personalities are truly tested in times like this. Prove them that you are more than human than they can possibly throw stones at.

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Indeed, women are from Venus and men are from Mars, if women are iPhones, men are Samsungs, if women are silicone cases, men are hard plastic cases. We have successfully proven that proposition for the longest time now. There will never be a common ground for the two to be in rhythm; well of course in some cases it can be possible, but that would be the exemption and not the rule.

In knowing can there be understanding and through understanding can there be harmony. Admittedly, if we take a closer look on the matter, it is the female species that are harder to decipher. They are the ones who lie in a great web of complications making everybody’s life in total chaos. I being a woman myself confess that sometimes I have a set of nonsense that I make my man deal with without mercy. It’s not like I’m being a total brat; it’s just a fact that I can’t seem to remove from my system, and I believe yours too. Brace yourselves my dear gentlemen, for I am about to unveil the women’s most popular and probably unknown nonsense.

1.       We make our personal criteria

No medal, no trophy, no title, can ever topple a woman’s personal criteria. Even though she will be crowned as the world’s most beautiful woman in the world, there will still be a missing void inside her heart unless she fulfils her personal criteria. Women in fact set very high standards against themselves nearly as high as their heels. This is not because they are being plain perfectionists but they just want to add meaning to what they are doing. The higher their standards the more meaningful they become, the more value they receive.

2.       We never get tired of attention

As much as we say we hate attention, it’s just our way of saying that in reality, we don’t. We love how people compliment our dress, we love how people follow us with their awed faces, we love how our smartphones are packed with sweet messages from the people who love us dearly.

While attention is not our measurement of the value of our being, it is through attention that we find more things to talk about, to appreciate, and to keep memories with.

3.       We  want to feel needed

Indeed, according to cultural and social norms, the males are the ones who are supposed to be the foundation of the relationship. They should be the ones we are depending to lean on in times of dire. But many if not almost all women especially in our generation right now refuse to feel inferior against the opposite sex. Therefore we want to feel that our existence weighs the same as the ones wearing the pants. The more we see that we are needed, the more we feel that our existence matters.

Meanwhile, we also know that we are random and irrational creatures, but we never fail to recognize the men who put up with our nonsense; thus we are most thankful.

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Have you ever wondered how does it feel like to be denied with freedom? The only thing we live and breathe for is taken away to be isolated in a god forsaken place, forcing you to look back and be haunted by regret. Man has opted for this kind of torture as a method of punishment for whoever stands against man-made laws and regulations.

                To inflict a certain kind of fear to people who are thinking of breaking the rules has proven to be somewhat effective. Who would dream of being thrown away in a facility designed to torment you alive? When I was in college, I had this amazing chance to visit a detention facility. I met some of the inmates, had the most meaningful conversations to the people who were considered as the social pariahs. But never did I have an inkling that I will learn life’s most important lessons hiding behind closed bars.

                What the media is showing us of the way life inside those prison cells is nowhere near the reality. The moment I made my first steps inside the facility, instead of feeling fear I felt a sense of security. Ironically, those iron bars aren’t giving me the chills of panic nor alarm, I stand there in awe of what I am witnessing. I sense solitude among the inmate’s faces that I pass by. Life inside the facility is so tight and strict, they can’t have practically what we are enjoying outside. Yes, they have a functioning television, but rather than that, they have nothing but each other, they have nothing but their brotherhood, a brotherhood that is bound by something more than blood. Even a simple smartphone or an MP3 player is not allowed inside. They are living without the most essential things we deem that would make our lives easier and more tolerable.

                They practically missed everything that happened in the outside world that gave us awe and plain amazement in the past couple of years. While we are battling each and everyday of our lives to work our ass off, they are inside their prison cell, counting the hours and the days until they can go back. While we are arguing and debating which latest gadget should be named as the king of all technological advancement, they are inside staring through space wondering if someone would still be happy to see them when they step outside. While we are deciding which party to attend each night, they are in a mental distress thinking if there is still life waiting for them beyond those closed bars.

                I am not surprised that many if not most of them chose to stay inside than embrace freedom from the outside world. We from the outside claim to have a better life than them, we claim that they should be tormented for life for messing with the social norms, but the truth is, it is us that needs the realization that it is safer from the inside than on the outside. They whom we brand as outlaws live a better life than ours. We are the ones who truly have the scent of bloodstained hands still lurking in the abyss.

How long have you been exhausting yourself from your tears? How long have you been staring at your smartphone hoping that the next beep of the message is from him? How long have you been stalking his Facebook account and waiting till his status from being “Single” becomes “In a Relationship”? How long have you been suffering? How long do you think you’ll be in that state?

                There is an art in letting go and moving forward, there is no shortcut, no easy way out. The moving forward stage starts the moment you make the decision that it is truly over. The truth is, you will be in a miserable state, you will be consumed by pain until it hurts no more. That is the problem with pain, it demands to be felt. When your heart gets broken, you think that it will stay that way for the rest of your life.

                One day you will get liberated from this misery, one fair day you just realize the morning is lighter, that the birds chirp happier, that the wind is friendlier, and that your heart is healed. How exactly will you know that you are totally over him?

1.       The tears stop flowing

Tears can mean either extreme happiness or sadness. I’ve been in the same situation, been there done that. I’ve experienced crying myself to sleep, just to wake up crying again. Apparently you can’t really be liberated from pain, you’ll get used to it in the long run. When you have ultimately let out all the emotions welling in your heart, that’s the time you stop crying.

2.       You stop missing him

Missing him is not an indication that you made the wrong decision in choosing to be separated from him. Missing him may also mean that you are just used to his presence and the sudden detachment from him is a brand new feeling. You’ll realize one day that you are not always thinking about him anymore.

3.       Tears become smiles

When my boyfriend and I broke up, all that my eyes see is about him. I see my coffee mug, I remember our coffee together, I see the mobile back case he gave me last Valentine’s Day and I remember our moments together, I hear our song on the radio, and I remember the times we spent singing our hearts out. In all cases, I end up crying again, until the day came when I see the same things but instead of crying I simply smile.

4.       No sting

The best indication to test if you are totally over your ex is when you actually see each other face to face but then you will never feel the sting anymore.

                Take your time, no one can get over a broken heart overnight. What is important is that when that moment comes, you’ll be in a perfect condition to love again.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

