Every girl in the world have dreamt of finding their prince charming outside their doorsteps with his white horse about to venture in his large castle to marry you and spend the rest of his days pampering you with love and care. Together with it is his marriage proposal – will he get down on one knee? Maybe light up some fireworks with the message embedded on the sky? Or take you to a higher place where you can read below his words of love shaped by rose petals in the pool? Romance hasn’t lost its touch.

When the proposal comes, the only answer needed to be heard is a YES or a NO. Who wouldn’t say YES to a prince charming? After all, you’ll get the chance to have your dream wedding finally laid down!

First on the list will be the wedding invitations. Being in the technological word, you can integrate wedding invitations by giving out personalized mobile back cases with the details pasted on the design. That would be extremely cool and something very unique.

Second – the guests. After the invitations, you should at least already thought of the people you would want to see on one of the special days in your only life. Your parents, friends, and relatives are expected. Don’t forget your prince’s parents, friends, and relatives as well. It is your day, but it is a shared day for two people who are in love.

Third would be the wedding dress. The dress you imagined when you were little may not be available right now in any shop around town. However, you could always browse along nearby dress shops and online sites. There are a lot of designers out there who could fulfil your greatest wishes for a wedding. Browsing through your smartphones could be the quickest way to see an online catalogue of wedding dresses.

Fourth – the venue. The usual site for a wonderful wedding is the church. Don’t be afraid to try something else for a change. Not the beach, or a garden. How about the skies? Not the jumping over the airplane kind of thing. You should try getting married on top of the plane itself where the air will blow away your carefully kempt hair and your dress with its long veil.

Fifth and final – the rings. This little object will be the eternal symbol for your love and faithfulness to one another so you better make it the best you’ll ever had. You know those rings they’ve invented where the wearer will have an imprint on the ring finger. Quite neat, don’t you agree? This way, cheating is easy to find out.

Your wedding day should be the day you would never forget. Make it the best and the last.

If you are familiar with the popular TV series House MD the one that recently concluded, then you must also be familiar with the line “Everybody Lies”. In fact, the storyline of the whole series centers on that particular notion that indeed, no human being is void from the powerful grip of lying. True enough, anyone here who will say that he or she have never experienced to lie before even just once is a hypocrite.

                It requires a special kind of skill in order to have one effective lie. You have to weave an intricate web of details and information, making it seem as real as possible. The more details you supply, the better to luring the person into so deep a hole that there is no way to figure out or differentiate the truth from the lie. Lying can be caused by a plethora of reasons and not necessarily lying for the sake of lying. If you resort to lying, whatever form it is, be sure that you have a good reason to do it, because this can hurt especially to people to whom the lying is for. Here are some of the reasons why people can’t seem to avoid lying.


                Whether it is a concerned friend, a loving wife and mother, or a caring father they will be forced to lie to protect someone so dear to them. The lie becomes like the protective case you provide your gadget to safeguard it from outside forces that have the potential to harm it. This kind of lying can be considered to the category called white lies. They are called such because the main reason why a lie was executed was for the majority’s gain. Most often than not, we are confronted with instances where the only way out is to lie about something. It might strike you with a pang of guilt afterwards, but the important thing is that your motive for the lie is pure, you don’t mean to hurt anybody, it is just a matter of unfortunate occurrences.

Escape Punishment

                When I was still in college, we were given this once in a blue moon chance of visiting a prison. Our main task is to talk to the inmates and write a paper about our encounter afterwards. Before going inside the prison cells, the authorities warned us that these people will definitely lie. If you are one of the main suspects in even such a simple crime like robbing a smartphone shop, as a human being your initial reaction will be to deny the crime in order to escape punishment. Man’s sense of self preservation will kick in for such dire times.


                Another good reason why people lie is because probably they don’t really know the truth. Some are just victims of the lie itself. Like for example a person was told a lie, without him knowing about it ergo he believes that lie and pass it on to another person. Unintentionally, he participated in a series of lies making it more complex.

                Can we ever stop people from lying? Never. What you should do is to have a critical mind in filtering the information going in and out of your attention.

There are times when we spit out words that hurt other people without us knowing. Making them feel upset was never our intention in the first place. Be wary of the words coming out of your mouth because you might just hurt their feelings, make them feel depressed, or worse trigger them to lash out.

When dealing with our single friends, it is important to be watchful of what we tell them. You may think that you’re there to empathize; unknowingly you’re already being obnoxious. In conversing with your single friends personally or through their smartphones, it is imperative to know the things that you aren’t supposed to say. Take a look at the list below to know what they are.

1.       “Why aren’t you married?” This is the question that most singles dread. This is usually what pushes their buttons. Your friend might just flash you a grin while in her mind she is trying to say “It’s none of your damn business.” According to Bella DePaulo, PhD, author of Singled Out and Singlism, “Many unattached people live their best, most authentic lives as singles.” With that said, there is no need to allege that your friend is unhappy because of the fact that she is single.

2.       “Stop being so picky.” Says Helen Friedman, PhD, a clinical psychologist in St. Louis specializing in relationships, “Avoid name-calling. This comment basically slaps your friend’s wrists and accuses her of faulty judgment, as if she can’t trust her own wants and needs.” The best response to give your friend when she voices out frustration in dating is to tell her that you acknowledge the realities of dating without giving her the impression that you are being too critical on her.

3.       “Your perfect guy will come when you least expect.” This is actually a given though you need not to tell this straight to her face. Telling this to your single friend implies that you are presuming that she is on the hunt for a partner. “This comment is disempowering if your friend actually is seeking a relationship,” says Dr. Friedman. Never ever make your friend feel that you pity her. Rather, continue doing things that you both love together while enjoying each others’ company.

4.       “What ever happened with (ex’s name)?” According to Diana Kirschner, PhD, author of Find Your Soulmate Online in Six Simple Steps, “When a relationship ends, there’s usually some degree of sadness, even if your friend is the one who initiated the breakup.” Avoid asking this question to your friend so that she won’t anymore be nostalgic about her previous unsuccessful relationship. Let her bring this topic up if she wants to, but never initiate a conversation that has something to do with her ex.

5.       “You should smile more often.” This comment might leave you with a slap on the face. “This assumes that you’re the all-knowing superior person who can diagnose the ‘problem’ and dole out advice about how to fix it,” Dr. DePaulo says. Avoid giving out this comment because this may give her the impression that you think that she’s doing something wrong when in fact she is feeling absolutely good about herself.

One of the things that one can’t recover in life is a word after it’s said. You probably hear this phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” over and over again. Words can actually sting. Be careful on how you speak with your friends because like a gevey sim that unlocks an iPhone, a painful comment might release the person in them that you didn’t wish to know. That might even be the last straw for them to decide that it’s time for “friendship over” for the two of you.

One of the biggest misconceptions of life in this world is that we think that we all have secrets. Well, the truth is it’s the secrets that have us. When you are bound by a secret, it will be a lot harder to function, you filter your behavior, you filter the words that come out of your mouth, and especially you filter the people you talk to. We become slaves of secrets that in the long run; we are forced to lie just to keep the secret stay a secret.

                It turns out that secrets are like our defense walls just like a protective case for your gadgets that we build around us so as to keep ourselves safe from potential forces that could harm us. What secrets do you keep? How far will you go to keep your secrets? How will you effectively keep a secret?

Motivate yourself

                In times when you really feel that itch in your mouth that you really want to spill the beans to a friend or two, try to picture in your mind of the possible scenarios that will likely happen in case the secret comes out. You keep that secret hidden because you know that it will not cause you something good if it will be known to all right?

Be Careful

                If you are keeping a very important secret, the kind that is very crucial to the people involved, then you must be careful not to share anyone the information. Don’t trust anyone, even a smartphone or any gadget that you have. Some people write secrets in their smartphones or diaries to vent out the emotion.  The problem is, curious people are just so curious that they defy the rules of privacy so they will do everything to get in your priced and personal stuff. If they are successful in getting in your personal gadget, consider your secret to be out in the open.

Tell Something

                Yes, you got that right. I said tell something not someone. A person can traitor you anytime, you can’t trust anyone. Tell your dog instead, or your teddy bear at home beside your bed. They can’t talk, they can’t comment, they can’t make any promises of not telling, they will only listen. These things will never let your secrets out that is for sure.


                Lie, only if it is necessary. If the degree of the secret that you are keeping is the kind that could save a life, I think lying once or twice will not hurt. Make this your last resort, lying will make more complications with the situation if not executed properly.

                As they always say, a secret is not a secret anymore if two more people are informed about it. Put your secrets in to safe keeping as much as possible.

Love, is a universal feeling. I can’t think of anyone who is not capable of loving whether if it is someone or something else. It is a given fact that all human beings young and old have experienced this ubiquitous emotion in the world. We even actually have a special day once in a year celebrating and recognizing this thing we call love.

                It isn’t that hard to feel love, and to make that person you love to feel that you love him or her. For many, the hardest part is to communicate love. How will you tell a person that you feel this special feeling towards him or her? Merely saying your “I love yous” can start a big misunderstanding on your real motives for saying such. In our digital world, where meeting and talking in person is no longer a requirement, how can you deliver your message without having any misunderstandings?

                There are a myriad of channels of communication you can choose from these days, the most common is via a text message through your smartphone, via emails, via social networking sites, etc. If you are void from physical gestures such as facial expressions or even the tone of the voice and you are only limited with text, is it still possible to have a better and precise understanding of the message?

“Love you” – We always stumble upon this phrase from our casual friends. As you can notice, there is a missing letter in the phrase in order for it to be a complete sentence, and that is the letter “I”. Insignificant as it may seem, but the missing letter is to somehow reduce or lower the level of intimacy of the message. You will also notice that this phrase is the most overused of all, you can send this message to almost everyone in your contacts in your phone, friends on facebook, followers on twitter, to your fans if you are a popular celebrity.

“I luv you” – Indeed, this one is a complete sentence with a complete thought of the message, the thing here is the corrupted spelling. Some people choose to alter its original spelling to condense the formality of the message itself. Still, this one is sent not that it means the other way around, the person it still bears the same sense, only with lesser intensity.

“I love you” – This is the real thing. Most of the time, you receive this message from your parents, or lover. No corruption of the spelling, no missing letter or word, nothing but genuine and real emotion wringing through the words.

                In whatever platform or medium of communication or even a latest gadget you would like to utilize to deliver the most important message in the world, what is more essential is you make sure that the person gets the message, and you let him or her know of what you feel.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

